Jeffery Lewis' Precognitive Dream - September 9th
Pre 911 Dream - The Sleep of Towers

The Basement of Catastrophe
On September 9, 2001, I have the following dream: I am in the basement of The Towers dorm in Madison, WI., on State Street. I was a student in Madison many years ago but have never been in the basement of The Towers. In fact, I do not know if the place still is a dorm (from "dormir" Latin for "sleep") for university students or if it even exists any longer. It does in this dream. There is a bar in the basement and some sort of event is being planned or prepared here. I have what I would describe as a "guide" here, someone familiar with the group, maybe a fraternity, putting on the party which is to happen some time later. My inclination is to say my guide here is like Robin William's son played by Cuba Gooding, his guide in the "afterlife" in the film What Dreams May Come. We tour around the bar, but do not drink. From one end of it we see what I can only describe as a horrific series of "special effects," special effects from films I mean. I watch down behind the bar as it becomes a city street. There is some kind of explosion or earthquake and buildings begin to topple. As they do there are explosions, fireballs, and other effects we have seen in a hundred different Hollywood films from Air Force One, to True Lies in which a plane flies through a building. But in particular there is the billowing cloud of fire and smoke effect from Independence Day after the "aliens" blast the Empire State Building. I recall as I watch the horrified "oh, shit!" of one characters from the film as the billowing cloud of death approaches him. In fact, so "real" are these special effects down in the basement of this dorm or tower of sleep that they cause me to turn away to flee as the cloud bears down the bar at me. As I prepare to flee I wake up to lie panting in bed wondering what exactly is it I have seen?
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Post 911 Dream - The New Victorians
Back to Badger House--September 13, 2001
On this night, two days after the New York Trade Center attack I have the following dream which contains a very peculiar . . . ambience, feeling . . . smell:
I return with my daughter from The Towers, the big dorm in Madison, Wisconsin which figured in a premonitory dream about the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York which I just wrote about in a piece called, "The Sleep of the Towers," to Badger House, the three story rooming house I lived in when a student at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in the 1960s.
Mariah, my daughter, and I climb the stairs into the building up to the second floor where my room was located. I have been away for some time, at least overnight, but just how long is not clear in the dream. As we reach the top of the stairs I see a key with a tag tied to it outside the door of a room I take to be my own. There is a note with the key from the landlord explaining to the tenant of the room that he, the landlord, found the room unlocked during the evening and locked it for the tenant so that it would not remain open all night when the tenant was away. The note also explains there is a $15.00 fee for this service.
I then see another door down the hall with the same key and the same note. What is this I wonder, a deja vu, like in The Matrix, meaning The Matrix has changed something in the dream? No, I decide, this is actually the door to my room though it is not in the same place, rather over in the corner of the room . . . as if opening on the Blair Witch basement where if one looks into the room, instead of into the corner, one would see the identity of the murderer. So, something has been changed. The hallway is not the same, my room is not the same and the door is in a different place. Yes, obviously, The Matrix, the computer program in operation in dreaming? has changed things. But why?
And these superficial changes are not the only ones, the whole house has been remodeled. I don't notice this until upstairs in the hall. But the hall has a . . . Victorian feeling. There are ornate decorative wood work, heavy maroon rugs, dark drapes, elaborate lighting fixtures and . . . something else! What is it?
Neo was here, that's what it is! I can feel Neo, the Keanu Reeves character, hero of The Matrix, here in the hall somehow with us. Just how is not clear but I can sense him, feel him, like a presence, a smell, a kind of emanation in the house as if he was in the wall almost. I can see him, too, in my mind. He too, is in Victorian garb, a maroon smoking jacket with big lapels, some kind of soft, satiny pants, maybe slippers, like someone out of a Sherlock Holmes mystery.
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