NYC Resident Mark Allen's Precognitive Dream - September 7th 2001
9/7/01: Whoa!!! A Freudian bonanza last night!!!

At the beginning of the dream I am inside a giant birth canal that is actually the set of a FOX made for TV movie. Sometimes the made for TV movie appears to be some foreign film that I rented and am showing to friends. Yet somehow, sometimes what is happening on the "set" of the giant birth canal is actually real and I am actually experiencing it. Sometimes I am a character in the film, sometimes I am an observer "watching" the film on a TV screen in a dark room with friends, and sometimes I am just myself and am participating in what is happening in the film and the film is reality and there actually is no "film". Got all that? Hey, it's dream logic.
Here's what's happening in the giant birth canal:
I am part of some rogue team of renegades or terrorists that exist in the future. We inhabit this giant vagina for a purpose, a mission. The walls of the canal look just like you would thing, all red and curvy and like giant slabs of vagina muscle walls. Not slimey though. We all wear these black SWAT-like uniforms with laser guns and special goggles and everything. We have all kinds of computer surveillance equipment inside the vagina, very high tech. Sometimes the walls of the canal turn into just regular dark walls with windows, and then back again. Our "mission" seems to involve these itty bitty tiny little oval shaped pellets of ice. They look like tiny transparent pearls. When you get up close to the tiny little oval pellets of ice you see a dot of orange and black in the center of each one. This is a tiny almost embryonic goldfish. The orange part is it's developing body, the black part it's eye and it little tail is near transparent. The near microscopic body of the almost developed goldfish sits frozen in the center of this tiny little round (oval) ice thing.
There are millions and billions of these little frozen round ice things with tiny goldfish in them that we have to deal with or "control" or "help" somehow. These little things live somewhere in the walls of the giant vagina and at some certain time they all come rushing out of various parts of the walls and all rush like mad in one direction to an opening at one end that appears to be the way "out" of the vagina. They get dumped "out" of the vagina this way (why are the sperm going 'out' of what appears to be the entrance of the vagina? Or is that the passageway 'in' to where the eggs are?) Our "mission" is to help them along and make sure nothing goes wrong, when this occurs.
This happens twice during my dream. All the frozen pellets with fish in the rush out of the walls and zoom in a frenzy toward one end (the end they go to gets all small like it would be hard to fit through and there is a kind of traffic jam as they all try and fit through). We have a webcam pointed at the end of the vagina where they are trying to escape. We can watch the progress on a video monitor from another end of the vagina. It looks really pretty, zillions of the frozen little fish spheres all rushing and vibrating like crazy in a river of determination, against a red orange background. It looks like an old 4AD album cover design. Sometimes the webcam does a close up and you can really see the little fish and the look of hope in their eyes.
The leader of our group looks like Christopher Walken. There is also someone on our team that looks like that actress from that FOX TV show "Dark Angel", Max Guevara (at one point she is in training and is at a computer console with a hand held video game type handle and is trying to do something important and is having a hard time and Christopher Walken is yelling at her and the 'camera' of the film kind of moves in on her chapped lips - which I know are make up since this is a movie - and it's all very dramatic). I think the comedian Kathy Griffin is also on our team. Every time the fish come out it is a mad rush for us to make sure it's all going well and then as the fish are kind of on their way and all crowding around the exit to the vagina, we all sit around the video monitor and watch or listen to Christopher Walken tell old stories about his old days in the giant vagina frozen fish days (he seems to be an old veteran at it). He always interrupts his own stories for a second and says "You know, you can go observe the frozen fish crowding down at the other end of the vagina or you can observe it on this video monitor hook up thing we have...that's new. It was my idea!" He always says this very self-satisfied. We are all quiet while he tells his stories.
Then I seem to be in another reality, another NYC that looks nothing like NYC. It is sunny and daytime. There is one point where I am trying to do something secret under this grassy highway underpass - I am trying to make these drawings on paper or something and there is a sidewalk near me and this line of school children who all have really strange hairstyles are walking along it. I don't want them to see me for some reason.
Then I'm walking down the street and suddenly I hear people screaming and saying stuff like "It's a really big accident" and "Oh my God!!!" and I run to the intersection and look down the street (the next intersection seems to drop off into the Hudson River - so I must be somewhere on the upper east side) and I see this gigantic concrete "cone" thing that has tiered steps like a pyramid - but it's a cone. It is spinning slowly and as it does I see a bunch of people getting kind of "dumped" onto it from above somewhere. Some of the people are dead already and others are screaming and trying to get off the cone and getting crushed. It's really a major deal and really horrific. My adrenaline rushes and I grab my cell phone and dial 911. As I am I am thinking "A lot of people are probably calling 911 from their cells but I'm going to call anyway - I wonder if 911 waits to hear a certain amount of calls on major disasters before they know if it's a hoax or not - because really that is the first they would hear about it and if it was just one call it might be a prank." I am stuttering and choking on tears as I talk to the 911 operator because it's such an intense scary moment.
After I hang up the phone after giving the operator the information I look up and see the disaster is just getting worse. Whole 18 wheeler trucks and cars with people in them are getting dumped onto the cone and everyone is getting crushed and people are screaming and it's awful.
Dreams and More at MarkAllenCam dot com
Dreams September 2001
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