Lone Gunmen Pilot Episode
The Infamous Lone Gunmen Pilot Episode: Lone Gunmen Episode 1: Pilot

'World Trade Center -- they're going to Crash the Plane into the World Trade Center'
In March of 2001 Fox TV aired Episode One of a new show spun-off from The X-Files. In the first episode of this new show, The Lone Gunmen, an inside faction of the government posing as terrorists hijacks a 727 by remote control. They do this because the cold war is over they need an excuse for war to increase arm sales. They target the World Trade Center, but their plot is foiled at the last minute.
Alex Jones and Dean Haglund talked about the Lone Gunmen episode that aired prior to September 11th in which an inside faction of the government posing as terrorists hijacks a 727 by remote control and targets the World Trade Center and much more...
Watch a clip from The Infamous Lone Gunmen Pilot Episode at InfoWars.com
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