Monday, May 20, 2024 - 9/11 video alleges ‘secret’ new evidence in landmark case against Saudi hijackers by Joe Dwinell - Boston Herald (TNS)

"The 9/11 families are closer to the truth than ever before.

A federal judge in Manhattan is expected to rule anytime now on Saudi Arabia’s appeal to toss a lawsuit against the Kingdom, but if this landmark case goes forward, long-buried secrets of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks will be exposed.

“This is the closest thing you’re going to get to a smoking gun,” said Brett Eagleson, who was 15 years old when his dad, Bruce, died while working at the Twin Towers on 9/11. “The public needs to see this.”

Eagleson tells the Boston Herald that lawyers have obtained a video that allegedly shows a Saudi suspect “casing the Capitol” in the summer of 1999, pointing out where Congress sits. Eagleson also says a companion sketchbook painstakingly shows “an aviator’s algorithm on how to hit a target on the horizon when flying a plane.”

He credits British officials for obtaining both pieces of “incredible” evidence and retired FBI agents for assisting 9/11 families who refuse to give up on seeking justice nearly 23 years after the ruthless kamikaze jet attacks on New York City, the Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Pa.

Federal Judge George Daniels of the Southern District of New York now holds the key to this case. The judge must decide whether this lawsuit against Saudi Arabia moves ahead or is forever thwarted.

“If we lose, it’s a dagger,” Eagleson told the Herald Friday night after putting his kids to bed, adding, “But what more do you need?”"


Joe Dwinell - Boston Herald (TNS)

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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Video - 26 Anomalies of 911

Video - 26 Anomalies of 911: "TOP 9/11 ANOMALIES - LINK - 26 Anomalies of 9/11. VIDEO"

Friday, February 11, 2005

Simplifying the case against Dick Cheney

Simplifying the case against Dick Cheney: "Crossing the Rubicon
Simplifying the case against Dick Cheney
by Michael Kane

January 18, 2005 (FTW) - In an argument of over 600 pages and 1,000 footnotes, Crossing the Rubicon makes the case for official complicity within the U.S. government and names Dick Cheney as the prime suspect in the crimes of 9/11. Since the publication of this book (to which I had the privilege of contributing a chapter), many people have asked to hear the case against Cheney argued 'short & sweet.'

I will make it as short as possible, but it can never be sweet.

There are 3 major points made within this book that are crucial to proving Cheney's guilt. I shall first list them and then go on to prove each point as laid out in Crossing the Rubicon. "

Friday, January 07, 2005

Operation / Project Bojinka Known by FBI & CIA since 1995

Operation Bojinka (also known as Project Bojinka, Bojinka Plot, Bojinga, from Arabic: بجنكة – slang in many dialects for explosion and pronounced Bo-JIN-ka, except in Egyptian where it is Bo-GIN-ka) was a planned large-scale attack on airliners in 1995, and was a precursor to the September 11 attacks.

The term can refer to the "airline bombing plot" alone, or that combined with the "Pope assassination plot" and the "CIA plane crash plot". The first refers to a plot to destroy 11 airliners on January 21 and 22, 1995, the second refers to a plan to kill John Paul II on January 15, 1995, and the third refers a plan to crash a plane into the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia and other buildings. Operation Bojinka was prevented on January 6 and 7, 1995, but some lessons learned were apparently used by the planners of the September 11 attacks. This article will cover all three plans.

The money handed down to the plotters originated from Al-Qaida, an international Islamic militant organization which was then based in Sudan. Philippine authorities say that Operation Bojinka was developed by alleged Al-Qaida operatives Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed while they were in Manila, Philippines in 1994 and early 1995.

Several media outlets, including TIME Asia [1], wrongly claim that the word Bojinka means "loud bang" or "explosion" in Serbo-Croatian. Endnote 7 of Chapter 5 of the 9/11 Commission Report states that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed claims that "bojinka" is "a nonsense word he adopted after hearing it on the front lines in Afghanistan." "BOHICA" is common military slang for 'Bend Over Here It Comes Again' which refers to an incoming enemy attack, often bombs.

Not all media or text that refers to Operation Bojinka will call it by that name.
Source = Wikipedia

AND ... Defense Intelligence Agency Refuses to Declassify Info on Project Bojinka

>>> I sent the National Security Agency a Freedom of Information Act request asking for files on Project Bojinka. (Bojinka was the plot by radical Islamists—led by WTC-bomber Ramzi Yousef—to 1) blow up a dozen US passenger jets in mid-flight, 2) assassinate President Clinton and the Pope, and 3) ram hijacked passenger planes into US landmarks, including the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, the White House, CIA Headquarters, and the Sears Tower.) The plot was discovered in 1995 when authorities in the Philippines raided Yousef's apartment.

The NSA said that it would cost me thousands of dollars for them to search for Bojinka documents, then screen them for possible release. Even if they decided that not a single document was releasable, I'd still have to pay the outlandish fees.

One of the Bojinka documents that the NSA had in its possession was created by the Defense Intelligence Agency, so the NSA asked the DIA to review it for release. Below is the DIA's reply.

You, citizen, are not allowed to know anything about the proto-9/11 plot called Operation Bojinka.

Source with documentation =

Also see these links:

Operation Bojinka's bombshell - In 1995, Philippine policewoman helped crack terror cell By Matthew Brzezinski - SPECIAL TO THE STAR
Toronto Star archived at

Bust and Boom: Six years before the September 11 attacks, Philippine police took down an al Qaeda cell that had been plotting, among other things, to fly explosives-laden planes into the Pentagon
In 1995, Aida Fariscal, a senior inspector for the Philippine police, took down an al Qaeda cell that had been plotting to fly explosives-laden planes into the Pentagon -- and possibly some skyscrapers. By Matthew Brzezinski
WashingtonPost archived at

Monday, January 03, 2005

Pentagon says 911 Interceptors flew

"Pentagon says 911 Interceptors flew: TOO FAR, TOO SLOW, TOO LATE
by William Thomas

It happens all the time. When a small private plane recently entered the 23-mile restricted ring around the U.S. Capitol, two F-16 interceptors were immediately launched from Andrews Air Force Base, just 10 miles away. In a similar episode, a pair of F-16 'Fighting Falcons' on 15-minute strip alert was airborne from Andrews just 11 minutes after being notified by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) of a Cessna straying towards the White House. [AP Nov11/03; CNN June20/02]

These were well-practiced routines. Between September 2000 and June 2001 the Pentagon launched fighters on 67 occasions to escort wayward aircraft. [FAA news release Aug/9/02; AP Aug13/02]

But on Sept 11, 2001, NORAD and the FAA ignored routine procedures and strict regulations. In response to a national emergency involving hijacked airliners as dangerous as cruise missiles, interceptors launched late from distant bases flew to defend their nation at a fraction of their top speeds. [NORAD news release Sept. 18/01]


A recently resurfaced NORAD news bulletin released seven days after Sept. 11 explains that America's aerial defenders were slow to counter rapidly developing air attacks because they didn't hear from the FAA that American Airlines Flight 11 had been hijacked until 8:40 that fateful morning. [NORAD news release Sept. 18/01]

But at the National Military Command Center (NMCC) in the basement of the Pentagon, Air Force staff officers monitoring every inch of airspace over the northeastern seaboard would have caught that first hijacking when Flight 11's identification transponder stopped transmitting at 8:20 -- automatically triggering a radar alarm... "

Via LibertyThink and SIAnews

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

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  • Friday, December 17, 2004

    Lone Gunmen Pilot Episode

    The Infamous Lone Gunmen Pilot Episode: Lone Gunmen Episode 1: Pilot

    'World Trade Center -- they're going to Crash the Plane into the World Trade Center'

    In March of 2001 Fox TV aired Episode One of a new show spun-off from The X-Files. In the first episode of this new show, The Lone Gunmen, an inside faction of the government posing as terrorists hijacks a 727 by remote control. They do this because the cold war is over they need an excuse for war to increase arm sales. They target the World Trade Center, but their plot is foiled at the last minute.

    Alex Jones and Dean Haglund talked about the Lone Gunmen episode that aired prior to September 11th in which an inside faction of the government posing as terrorists hijacks a 727 by remote control and targets the World Trade Center and much more...

    Watch a clip from The Infamous Lone Gunmen Pilot Episode at